Frequent Flyers Project - Ep 1
Two pilots start a round the world trip paragliding in New Zealand
l On Vimeo l Duration 10 mins l
Ep1 New Zealand l Ep2 Nepal l Ep 3 Namibia
Notes from the video makers
Travelling for an extended period of time (more than 8 months), especially with a wing, harness, and a reserve parachute, clearly deviates from the ordinary. There is always the question of weight, bulk…. When you are traveling in "backpacker-mode" and you don’t plan to fly everyday, you can really wonder whether it's worth to take your glider or not … But even if your wing, harness, helmet (and maybe a rescue!) add weight and volume to your original bag, traveling with your paraglider in some remote areas opens up a range of amazing discoveries and encounters, that you would have never imagined as a "simple tourist". We are two regular pilots. We do not seek to break records or doing some crazy tricks, but only to have fun, to fly on original sites and to meet this fabulous small community of free flying world. During our trip, we stopped in New Zealand. Here is a the first movie of our long journey around the world.

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