Fly Sussex buying guide
Sharing the Lakes with Low Flying Jets
Alps Paragliding VolBiv 2019: Nice to the Dolomites
Emergency Parachute Throw - A good study
X-Lakes 2019 - Flybubble's Greg Hamerton
Gliderbase - Paraglider search and compare
The 6 peak challenge - Alex Colbeck
Alptitude! podcasts
Australian Paragliding Squad podcasts
Scottish Paragliding l Companion guide (books)
Speedflying in the Lake District - Simon Blake (book)
Resounding Silence - Greenland climb & fly
Chasing Summits - Pakistan
Satellite beacons comparison (Outdoor Lab 2018)
Garmin inReach mini: HikingGuy in-depth review
Garmin inReach mini: DC Rainmaker in-depth review
North of Known (2017) - Gavin McClurg & Dave Turner vol biv in Alaska
How to use digital topo maps - Free OpenStreetMap based maps and OS maps
PG XC Flight Browser
Flybubble weather page
Understanding the Alps. Six videos - Kelly Farina
Richard Carter flies 300km in the UK (2018)
Flytec sensbox
How to launch in a crosswind - Flybubble
Safety Bulletin 15, Mar '18 - St Bees cliff soaring, pre-flight checks, spring conditions
Ground Handling Challenge
Safety Bulletin 14, Feb 2018 - Safety system & radios
Dec 2017
Flying the North Lakes, Crummock Water and Buttermere - Nik Valiris
Nov 2017
Safety Bulletin 13, Oct 2017
Wolf hang glider accident, tree landing, first aid app, Launch accident at Wether Fell
Gavin McClurg's Mountain Masterclass
Mountain Rescue presentation - Jocky Sanderson
SIV presentation - Jocky Sanderson
Tony Thompson flies for the Motor Neuron Disease Association
Aug 2017
Paraglider line materials and why they matter to you
Tree landings
July 2017
Ridge soaring a paraglider in light wind conditions
Red Bull X-alps
Ojovolador paraglider reviews
The coanda effect
May 2017
Planet.OSM extracts - many map formats offered
Garmin Topo vs OS Discoverer vs Talkytoaster
WingBeat Paragliding - Scottish Borders
GarminOSM - Free maps for Garmin devices
Safety Bulletin 12 - Spring turbulence, Barton Fell XCs & Haig Pit incidents
How to read wind barbs (as used in Tephigrams)
April 2017
DHV Safety Classes
DHV Safety Classes Intro l Part 2 - Testing l
Inspired - Several pilots share their passion
Mini instruments - Free.Aero 2016
Airprox - File an Airprox report
Mar 2017
DIY GoPro, monopod, elastic and magnets
GPS vs Barometric altitude - the definitive answer
Sir John Barrow Monument, Hoad Hill - Oct '16
Ennerdale to Cartmel - May 2016
Landing Out - Where and How?
Altitudes - What height are you at?
Speed to fly basics - Jeff Greenbaum
Antoine Girard soars above 8000m (2016)
The Coriolis effect l Coriolis roundabout l
NASA - Bernoulli and Newton l Aerodynamic forces
NASA - Incorrect theories - 1 l 2 l 3 l
NASA - Correct theories - Lift from Pressure-area
l Lift from flow turning l
NASA - Aerodynamics Index
How wings really work - Cambridge University
How does a wing actually work?
How do wings generate lift - Learn Engineering
Fledglings - fly off the highest peak in Mexico
An introduction to the BHPA - Marc Asquith
AirWhere introduction - Phil Colbert
XC Soar and Kobo Workshop - Nev Almond
Safety Bulletin 11 - Mar 2017, The dangers of high voltage power lines
Feb 2017
ParaglidingEarth - Wikipedia-like global sites guide
Pilot rating lectures from the DSC - Meteorology, Airlaw and Theory of Flight
Safety Bulletin archive
50 Ways to Fly Better - Bruce Goldsmith
BHPA Pilot Handbook - Mark Dale
Classic Routes - Bob Drury
Flying the Wainwrights - Simon Blake
Mastering Paragliding - Kelly Farina
Meteorology and Flight - Tom Bradbury
Prepare to Fly - Simon Blake
Thermal Flying - Burkhard Martens
Touching Cloudbase - Ian Currer
Understanding Flying Weather - Derek Piggott
Understanding the Sky - Denis Pagen
The Paraglider - many articles & pod/webcasts
Making a paraglider - Free.aero
Flying in Wave - Judith Mole with Steve Hudson
Safety Bulletin 10 - Feb 2017, Flying in cloud and flying wet gliders
WindyTV - Wind flow animation and more
XC Soar vs XCTrack - Ed Cleasby
Red Screes, Kirkstone Pass - Jan 2017
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Jan 2017
Choosing the right reserve - Flybubble
DHV certification class recommendations
DHV classification of paragliders
DHV safety class tests - glider list
DHV safety tests - includes LTF A & B class wings
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Nov 2016
Skiddaw webcam - Hazeldene hotel, Keswick
Derwent Water - Hazeldene hotel, Keswick
Black Combe to Keswick, 70km - Aug 2016
Safety Bulletin 09 - Oct2016, Windy gaps, pressure on launch, busy sites, full stalls & polars
Skiddaw inverted fly down - Oct 2016
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Oct 2016
Staying up in weak lift - Passion Paragliding
Flymaster vario ringtone (mp3)
Flymaster - World airspace and map files
Dzjow - free topographic maps for many countries
Talkytoaster - Free maps for Garmins & Basecamp
BaseCamp - free Garmin mapping software
QMapShack - free open source mapping tool
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Sept 2016
WhatsApp messaging - many OS options
OSMand, maps and navigation - iOS & Android
Locus Map - Android l Orux Maps - Android
Viewranger, maps and navigation - iOS & Android
OpenStreetMap l OpenTopoMap l Why OSM?
- Free maps for Garmin Basecamp
OpenAndroMaps - Free smartphone maps
Safety Bulletin 08 - Sep2016, Reserve deployment, rescue & tracking, speed flying, boots
Cloudbase Mayhem - Gavin McClurg's website
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Aug 2016
Advance Epsilon 8 (ENB, 2016) - Flybubble
XC Retrieve - video walkthrough
Safety Bulletin 07 - Aug2016, Tailbridge, drones, boots, buckles, pre-flight checks, glider repairs
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July 2016
Elementary Pilot Training Guide 2016 - BHPA
Skywings - BHPA. View older magazines online
Instruments and their diversity - Skywings 2015
The Alaska Traverse - XC mag's Ed Ewing interviews Gavin McClurg about Alaska and more
Andrew McMahon - www.1photo1.com
Silecroft - Lakes Charity Classic 2016
Forecasting the good days - Free.aero
DAAT - Location in an emergency - iOS & Android
Free.aero paragliding magazine - iOS and Android
Airtribune - Live tracking platform like LiveTrack24
Airtribune app for live tracking - iOS and Android
LiveTrack24 tracking app - iOS and Android
Finsterwalder harness buckle problems (2016)
Instruments the new generation - Free Aero 2015
Understanding Alpine Foehn (2008)
Cumbrian Foehn - The Helm Wind
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June 2016
Gavin McClurg on Rockies Traverse - Judith Mole
OS Locate - OS grid ref, iOS & Android
Grid Reference - Simple OS grid ref, Android
How to forecast flying weather - Flybubble
Telegram messaging app - many OS options, as used at the Lakeland Charity Open
Gin Sprint 3 (ENB, 2016) - Flybubble
Live Tracking - 2016 options in 'Free Aero'
Safety Bulletin 06 - Jun2016, difficult landings at Yoke & Buttermere Moss. Ultralight first aid kit
Using a stirrup - Simon Blake
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May 2016
Satellite Messengers and Personal Locator Beacons
Carl Side Speedflying - Gordie Oliver
Grisedale Pike Speedflying - Gordie Oliver
Halls Fell hurterling, Blencathra - Gordie Oliver
Helvellyn and Striding Edge by drone
Lake District Ski Club, Jan2012 - Gordie Oliver
Ozone Fire fly having it... - Gordie Oliver
50K or Bust! - Paragliding articles from Nigel Page
LiveTrack24 - Follow pilots around the world
Cross Country magazine travel guide 2010/2011
Safety Bulletin 05 - 9May2016, incl' landing out crash, mid-air, helmet line trap, pre-flight checks, hook knife, Rules of the air - Lowca, drone airprox
Safety Bulletin 04 - Apr 2016, All about pods!
Safety Bulletin 03 - Mar 2016, Glider choice, EN ratings, aspect ratio and safety. Pre-flight check reminders. Site codes & grid refs. Emergency card
The Rocky Mountains Traverse (2014, 52min)
Will Gadd & Gavin McClurg vol biv 800km
CSC Emergency Card - New in May 2016
Print four credit card sized copies at once
Two magazines added in 'Technology and Online'
Skywords (Dales DHPC), Airborn (New Zealand)
Survival and First Aid Kit - Emma Cassanova
Frequent Flyers Project, two pilots go flying in
Ep1 - New Zealand l Ep2 - Nepal l Ep 3 - Namibia
Preparing for paragliding adventures by competition pilot Ruth Churchill Dower
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April 2016
Buttermere coaching day May '15 - Andy Clegg
Hang-gliding harnesses with back plates - BHPA Safety Advisory - 15 Feb 2016
XC Retrieve - Useful online tracking system, Instructions and help - Tim Pentreath
Satellite trackers vs PLBs - MountainSafety.co.uk
Lakeland Charity Open
Declaring flights with a Flytec 6015 - Simon Blake
FlySkyHy Video Walkthrough
Nova Ion 4 - glider review
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March 2016
Vincent Talleu loved his first XC
The Dream of Dolomites - paragliding
Karakoram Highway - Himalayan PG adventure
'How to choose a paraglider?' - Flybubble
Google custom search added to 'KB'
Plastic rods - DHV on the pros and cons
Which flight instrument is right for you? - XC mag
Unsheathed lines fragility - Free.Aero article - added to Micro lines article
EN-Lightenment? - Kelly Farina discusses EN-Bs
XC Soar/KOBO notes - Nigel Page
500 Miles to Nowhere - Film Festival Edit
Home Flight (PG) - Jean-Baptiste Chandelier
Garmin airspace maps by Simon Headford
BHPA safety advisory - Unsheathed upper cascade lines - added to Micro lines article
Free Flyers (2014) - American hang gliding film
BHPA advice on SIV courses
Coniston Old Man 28Feb2016 - Ed Cleasby
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Feb 2016
Altitudes - What height are you at? Free.Aero
FreeFlight - Official Irish HG & PG magazine
Hang Gliding and Paragliding - US HG & PG mag
Asymmetric collapses - Free.Aero 2015 (30MB)
Frontal collapses - Free.Aero (Jul 2014 - 12MB)
Stalls - Free.Aero (Mar 2014 - 12MB)
Free.Aero - free worldwide online magazine
Ed Cleasby - Picasa web album
Paragliding off Grisedale Pike - Mike Harper
Brigsteer - a soaring site or not?
Surfing Australia's morning glory wave cloud
Airspace maps - WW Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
LK8000 - Open source flight computer software
More Than a Feeling - includes linked feet acro
Syride SYS'Nav - Skywings review
BlueFlyVario - can connect to external devices
Here's a PGF discussion about the BlueFlyVario
XC Tracer - Lag free vario and GPS unit
PGF discussion l XC Tracer + FlySkyHy review
iOS apps for pilots - HG & PG mag (Dec 2015)
Airflow animations - silent video graphics
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Jan 2016
Cloud Appreciation Society - many cloud pics
See You software - Flight planning and analysis
by Naviter -
Windows, Android and iOS
Tephigrams - what you need to know
Wave - Tom Payne gets caught in alpine wave
Red Bull X-Alps 2015: The Documentary
The Holy Grail - Mike Cavanagh and Kitt Rudd
In search of the first Cumbrian 100km flight
Dancing with Aurora - Horacio Lorens
Night, a lit wing and the Aurora Borealis, Norway
Grasmoor Bobcat - down to Crummock Water
Harter Fell Speedfly - descent to Haweswater
Kentmere Speedflying - two fly downs
Safety Bulletin 02 - 27 Jan 2016, includes mini-wing accident & accident management
Beauty of paragliding - stabilised HD chase cam
Magic paragliding 2015 - a good Swiss montage
Dust of the Universe - Ziad Bassil, Independent tests of many new gliders
Judith Mole talks to Ziad about what he does
Cross the Country (170km) - Mike Cavanagh
The first flight over 100 miles
from Cumbria
Earth Wind Map - Global wind animation
Drag and zoom anywhere, click for wind speed
FlySkyHy reviews
2013 review l 2015 review l by Tim Pentreath
Glympse - phone app to share your location. Ease your retrieve. Android, iOS and Windows phone
One Touch Location
Phone app texts/emails your location
Ordnance Survey maps - free at WalkLakes, register to view 1:25,000 scale
PG XC flight browser - Filter and analyse data from the UK XC league
XCTrack - flight computer for Android - PG forum discussion about XCTrack
Wing loading - Adrian Thomas
Fly Safe On The Ridge - 3 articles by Nigel Page
l Collision Avoidance l Following l Crowding l
RASP demystified
Paragliding above inversion - Stuart Holmes
Skiddaw orographic time lapse - Stuart Holmes
Weird wave over stone circle - Stuart Holmes
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25 Jan 2016
Knowledge Base added to the CSC website |