DHV and EN
DHV cert. recommendations l wing classifications
DHV safety tests - includes LTF A & B class wings
DHV Safety Classes l DHV tested glider list
DHV Safety Classes Intro l Part 2 - Testing
EN certification - wings, harnesses & reserves
EN classes - BHPA advice on choosing wings
EN-Lightenment? - Kelly Farina discusses EN-Bs
Equipment issues
See also the main 'Equipment' section
Brummel hooks come undone - solutions l more
Convertible rucksack harness safety (2011)
Finsterwalder harness buckle problems (2016)
Micro lines/Unsheathed lines
Plastic rods - DHV on the pros and cons
Pod harnesses (2012?) - DHV report on six
New Airbag Technology
Emergency gear
Emergency parachutes - BHPA advice
Satellite messengers & beacons in 'Flight deck'
Survival and First Aid Kit - Emma Cassanova
Tree landings
Emergency Parachute Throw - A good study
Hang gliding
Hang-gliding harnesses with back plates
Mountain Rescue - Jocky Sanderson
SIV courses - BHPA advice
SIV/Pilotage - Benefits of an SIV course
SIV presentation - Jocky Sanderson