
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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June 2024

Chris Little watching Mike Williams flying at Alcock Tarn on the last day of the LCC June 23rd Pic by Karen Preston

Picture of the Month

May 2024

CSC member Paul Abbott & friend enjoying ridge soaring Steel Fell during the fine weather of 11th May

Picture of the Month

April 2024

Saturday 24th February. Malc Grout, Martin Knight & Dave Armstrong met at Little Man, Skiddaw & after waiting for the cloud to lift enjoyed a weak winter thermal over Applethwaite. The picture shows Martin on Little Man looking down on Derwentwater and Keswick through cloud. Picture by Malc Grout.

Picture of the Month

March 2024

February seems to have been a bit short on flying days, so grab it while you can. Saturday 10th eventually provided a very pleasant afternoon and glorious evening after the mist cleared. Blencathra's ridge worked reasonably well for an hour or so in a light SE breeze. The photograph is of Phil Kew flying his Supair Savage with Hall's Fell Ridge in the background, and beyond Clough Head and High Street. Pic by Malc Grout

Picture of the Month

February 2024

Dave Ashcroft flying above Crag Fell, Ennerdale 6th January 2024. Picture by Malc Grout

Picture of the Month

January 2024

Saturday 6th January; the first sunny day of the year!  Light northerly winds saw Malc Grout, Dave Ashcroft & Paul Clarke at Ennerdale. The picture shows Dave Ashcroft launching from Crag Fell with Paul Clarke looking on ready to follow. Pic: Malc Grout

Picture of the Month

December 2023

Chris Little & Matt Dingley preparing to launch from Crag Hill for a light wind flydown to Braithwaite. November 11th 2023 pic by Paul & Kay M

Picture of the Month

November 2023

Dave Eva on his Gin Explorer heading off into the late afternoon sun - Sunday 1st October, St. Bees photo Malc Grout

Picture of the Month

October 2023

Sunday 1st October was forecast to be a windy WSW day but easing later in the afternoon.  The tide would also be out by then and it looked like St Bee's would give an opportunity for some late afternoon soaring in the sunshine. Photograph shows Malc Grout flying his Gin Evora with St Bee's Head in the background.   Taken by Dave Eva.

Picture of the Month

September 2023

Saturday 15th April was again southerly.  Blencathra and Skiddaw worked well, with good clouds out front and some sea breeze convergence.  The picture shows Jim Foulkes flying his Ozone Delta with Keswick and Derwent Water in front of the glider.  Picture by Malc Grout

Picture of the Month
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