
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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December 2016

This November saw the sudden arrival of winter. From a fine October, we had a dose of rain from storm Angus; then the end of the month was dominated by fine, cold days. On 23 November, Dave Ashcroft and Paul Clarke were tempted to climb High Stile on the promise of a north easterly breeze. High Stile lies on the ridge between Ennerdale and Buttermere in the NE Lakes. Dave reports that it was quite a slog up through the snow and take off wasn't any better. Here you can see Paul launching through the snow for a fly down - the promised breeze didn't happen. The view is to the north with the Skiddaw massif in the distance. The hills of southern Scotland can be seen. Photo by Dave Ashcroft.

Picture of the Month

November 2016

Autumn in the Lakes brings it's own form of epic flying. A number of pilots walked up Skiddaw on Sunday 30 October for a flydown to Keswick. Mike Harper took the photo and reports "There was a high but thin inversion layer at 700m to 800m asl. The air was nice and smooth as we drifted down through the cloud to land on the edge of town before heading for a debrief."

Picture of the Month

October 2016

We've had some hot days in September but now the Autumn colours are appearing and it's time to get the thermal clothing out. Wolf Crags is our best northerly site. It's at the north end of the Helvellyn range. Here Chris Field soars the face, the photo taken by Ed Cleasby. Blencathra is behind the wing

Picture of the Month

September 2016

Action at the Grasmere Show. Each year, we fly at the Grasmere show on the August Bank Holiday weekend. We also demonstrate paragliding in the show arena. Here Angus Beardsmore shows how to do it

Picture of the Month

August 2016

Despite the forecast, this years Lakes Charity Classic saw 2 days of competition flying. On the Sunday, the flying started on Heron Pike in Grasmere. Goal was Ambleside with several pilots making goal. The wing is being flown by Baz Roberts and the photo looks east into the central Lakes. Harrison Stickle is the flat topped peak in the centre of the photo with Bow Fell and Crinkle Crags in cloud behind the pilot. Photo by Ed Cleasby.

Picture of the Month

July 2016

June 18 was an epic day at Clough Head in spite of the cloud cover in the photo. The coaching group got lots of airtime and the XC hounds managed to get down the Helvellyn ridge to Kentmere, Sedbergh and Kendal. The photo was taken by John Hamlett who says that it brightened up eventually! The view is looking NW from Clough Head with the Skiddaw massif dominating the right hand side of the photo.

Picture of the Month

June 2016

Burnbank is one of our north westerly sites and overlooks Loweswater. Pete Rycroft took this photo on Sunday 29 May. Chris Little is on the orange glider and we think that Peter Ridge is on the blue one. The view is to the east and Coledale Hause which lies between Hopegill Head and Grasmoor.

Picture of the Month

May 2016

No photos received this month so its 28 February again with Tony Thompson about to take off on the east side of Cat Bells. Derwent Water is behind him and the Helvellyn ridge in the far distance. The photo was taken by Stewart Clark with many thanks.

Picture of the Month

April 2016

Spring has arrived and its finally stopped raining so that we can go flying. This photo was taken on 28 February and is the east side of Cat Bells alongside Derwent Water. Tony Thompson is the pilot with James Jackson just visible at the top of Cat Bells. The view is looking south through the "Jaws of Borrowdale" with the Central Fells in the background. The photo was taken by Stewart Clark with many thanks.

Picture of the Month

March 2016

Not all flying in Cumbria is in the mountains. We have 5 coastal sites and this is Lowca between Whitehaven and Workington. Malcolm Grout took this picture on 10 February of Rob Grout. He reports "Rob is flying my Gin Atlas, I took the picture from my tandem. We had a run up to Harrington and back together. Conditions were good and lifty, although getting a bit top end by the time we landed". The view is the northern end of the Lowca site looking up to the south Workington Suburbs

Picture of the Month
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