
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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November 2017

Yes that is a flying wheelchair. Tony Thompson, one of our club coaches was diagnosed with Motor Neurones Disease at the end of 2016 but that hasn’t stopped his desire to fly. After a long wait for suitable condition he finally got his chance on Friday 27th October. The weather was perfect and the flying conditions were superb. The photo shows Tony flying in the specially adapted buggy, piloted by Malc Grout. Tony was joined in the air by three of his grandchildren and one of his daughters. Tony is raising money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association and donations can be made through www.justgiving.com/fundraising/flytt. Photo supplied by Stuart Holme who flew with Tony’s 7 year old grandson. The flight was on Clough Head with Keswick in the middle right of the photo

Picture of the Month

October 2017

Ed Cleasby took this "selfie" on Thursday 28 September. After taking off from Jenkin Hill, Ed decided to go east and was rewarded with a flight to Southwaite services on the M6. Souther Fell is immediately behind Ed with the Blencathra/Skiddaw massif behind that. Ed reports that "this was the best looking day for ages" - it's been a wet summer!

Picture of the Month

September 2017

August is the CSC "Accuracy" competition month which we hold in Grasmere adjacent to the Grasmere Sports event. Here Richard Bungay comes in on finals to clinch the top prize with a 2.2m score. Stone Arthur is in the background and the date was 27 August.

Picture of the Month

August 2017

The 2017 Lakes Charity Classic saw challenging conditions; on the Sunday, the coaching group deployed to the coast at Lowca. Most of the group managed to have enjoyable flights. Lowca is an old coal mine sited between Whitehaven and Workington. The view looks to the north with the Galloway hills in the far distance. Photo by Malcolm Grout

Picture of the Month

July 2017

No photos submitted this month so its back to 2011 for this month's picture. June 2017 has been a month of varied weather; strong winds at the beginning of the month, heat in week 3 and endless rain in week 4. In 2011, this photo was taken to the east of Kirkby Lonsdale in SE Cumbria. The western mouth of Barbondale is just below the photo and the Howgills lie to the north with the Lune valley to the left of the pilot.

Picture of the Month

June 2017

Spring is here and the Lakes are magnificent at this time of year. Mike Harper and other went to a trip down the Buttermere valley from Swinside to Fleetwith Pike. Robinson dominates the centre right of the photo with the Buttermere Moss site behind the wing.The hills of the NW Lakes are in the distance. Photo by Mike Harper

Picture of the Month

May 2017

This month has seen 2 site records broken, both by Jaysen Metcalfe - Black Combe (West) and Barton Fell. When conditions are too strong, we go to the coast. On 4 April Gordie Oliver and Malcolm Grout flew at Lowca initially on paragliders and then on speed wings as the wind picked up. The view is to the south with Whitehaven harbour in the far distance and St Bees Head on the far right, The pilot is Gordie and the photo was taken by Malc.

Picture of the Month

March 2017

Flying reports have been scarce as February 2017 seems to be trying to make up for the last 3 months. So its back to the archives to remind us that flying in February can be good. Here 2 pilots are about to launch on Blease Fell in February 2008

Picture of the Month

February 2017

Winter days like this can be deceptive! Pilots reported that the day had varying conditions and a severe wind gradient with 33-35 kt winds at the top of Blencathra, no wind on the normal "shoulder" take off and an appreciable westerly wind in the landing field. Dave Eva took the photo of Jackie Knights; take off was on Blease Fell on the slopes of Blencathra. The view looks to the west over the valley of Glenderaterra Beck to Lonscale Fell. The bulk of Skiddaw dominates the skyline.

Picture of the Month

January 2017

December flying days have been scarce but the weekend before Christmas gave us high pressure and good flying. Fog in the south Lakes gave way to clear sky's further north with a number of sites being flown. Here Mark Lennon soars Bewaldeth on Sunday 18th, framed by a festive sunset. Photo by Gordie Oliver

Picture of the Month
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