CSC Gallery
The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.
188 records found. Page 19 of 19 displayed. |
November 2008
5 Oct 2008 - Action on Wolf Crags. A dreadful Saturday was followed by a brilliant Sunday so the PG/HG community decamped to Wolf Crags. Doddick Fell on Blencathra in the background which is 4 miles away! Photo by Heather Stevenson.
October 2008
XC coaching day at Clough Head - Sunday 28 September. Fair conditions led to a number of traverses of the Helvellyn ridge. Photo by Heather Stevenson
September 2008
Fun and games at the August Grasmere Show. Audience participation with lift! This year Dave Robinson flew the Olympic flag into the arena.
August 2008
Dave Horne's photo of Gordy Oliver flying Buttermere Moss in November 2006 - Rannerdale Knotts & Crummock Water in the background.
July 2008
John Hamlett above Whitestones on Monday 23 June. It had been windy all day but the wind died down late evening. Photo by Matthew McClements.
June 2008
Unknown pilot off Barkin Fell on a superb evening - 18 July 2006. Ingleborough in the background.
May 2008
Ian Henderson at Whitestones - M6 in the background
April 2008
Dave Ashcroft soaring on Blease Fell - February 2008
188 records found. Page 19 of 19 displayed. |