
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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July 2021

Sunday 20th June provided some decent conditions at Cat Bells in the North Lakes just to the west of Derwent Water. Initially the wind was very crossed to the North; it was possible to stay up but with little other opportunity. As the wind became more East and the air more thermic we flew up to Knitting Haws, across to Causey Pike and returned to soar the East side of Cat Bells on the sea breeze. The view is across the southern end of Derwent Water with the Helvellyn ridge in the far background. The pilot is James Brock and photo by Malcolm Grout.

Picture of the Month

June 2021

On 22 May 2021, Cumbria Soaring Club held its second zip wire reserve deployment event at the Keswick Climbing Wall's site. The day was organised by Jonny Sims and about 35 pilots were able to practise deploying their reserve. First off was a practise deployment of the real thing in the tent. Then the actual reserve was replaced by a dummy (it's the pulling out that reveals the problems) and each pilot had 3 runs down the zip wire. Jonny and Tim Oliver were on the tower and it was their job to add a bit of disorientation to the start of the run. Malcolm Grout blew a klaxon in the field and timed the reserve throw. More photos can be seen by following this link.. You can see a couple of short videos by following this link and this link

Picture of the Month

May 2021

Saturday 10th April provided yet another day with off the scale RASP stars. A sizeable contingent of the CSC XC hard core were at Ennerdale with sights on a tour of Ennerdale, Buttermere and further. There were others with plans to fly from Burnbank taking in Ennerdale. The day worked well although over development and snow showers cast Ennerdale into shade. However on Buttermere, any sunny into wind upslopes and ground out front continued to work well. The picture shows Paul Clarke on an Ozone Swift and a large cloud! The nuclear plant at Seascale can be seen on the coastline. Photo by Malc Grout

Picture of the Month

April 2021

Malcolm Grout reports that Friday 2 April provided a good day at Burnbank with many keen pilots turning up. The day started blue and light wind, with a forecast for it to increase by about 13:00. It was rather more round to the East than forecast so rather than hang around I walked over to Carling Knott for a launch. Helen Gant took this photograph of me flying round onto the nose of Mellbreak. A rough and gusty trip along the fell in what was effectively a SE wind funnelling down the valley was rewarded with climbs at the far end. Into a strong wind it was not possible to progress up wind further towards Buttermere, but some nice thermal climbs were enjoyed on the return trip to Burnbank. Whiteside and Grasmoor are in the back ground.

Picture of the Month

March 2021

No pictures from February due to the lockdown but restrictions were lifted on March 8 and Malcolm Grout reports "Monday the 15th March seemed to be the first flyable day since outdoor leisure got going again. A number of local pilots were out on Clough Head, which provided easy and smooth soaring conditions. Probably due to the sun going behind high cover as the air was quite unstable. Myself and Rob made three tandem flights each as both passenger and pilot to get a level of currency back, before flying with non BHPA members. One local pilot made it to Helvellyn and back; a good effort as the wind had quite a northerly component." The photo looks South West from Clough Head at the north end of the Helvellyn range. The valley of St Johns in the Vale is in the foreground and Thirlmere is just visible on the left.

Picture of the Month

February 2021

Malcolm Grout reports "Possibly the last 'legal' flying day for a while. Not again!! Wednesday 6th January 08:00 hours .gov website still displaying dispensation for flying open cockpit aircraft in tier 4 provided you do it locally to home. No new statement on BHPA or CSC websites and no Notams. Restrictions yet to pass through Commons and not Lords until Thursday. So what to do with a great winter forecast? Go flying of course. Conditions on the tops were much lighter than forecast so having hoped for a soaring day we opted for a bit of hike and fly rather than a simple fly down on such a wonderful day. Rob and Malc set off from High Stile near Buttermere. The photo shows Malc returning to the Buttermere valley. Newlands Hause is just above his right carabinier."

Picture of the Month

January 2021

After a wet and windy December, the month has closed on some bright but cold(!) weather. On Monday 28 December, Dave Ashcroft takes off from High Stile above Buttermere. The view is to the North West with Crummock Water in the centre of the photo. Malcom Grout took the photo and reports "Conditions were very light, almost windless, so we were quite happy to eke out a little soaring around the bowl and crags above Bleaberry Tarn."

Picture of the Month

December 2020

Not a lot of flying this month so it's back to the archives to remind us that we can still fly in November. On the 8 November 2011, the wind was from the North West and a gaggle of pilots were able to fly on Burnbank Fell over Loweswater in the NW Lakes. Although there was a lot of cloud, the flying was good.

Picture of the Month

November 2020

Friday 30 October was a fairly wet and windy day around the county but a few Cumbrian pilots made hay while the sun shone at the coast. James reports that take-offs could be challenging and patiently waiting for the lighter-wind cycles was the name of the game. The view is from Lowca at about 4.30pm with St Bees Head visible in the background. In the foreground is pilot Pete Simmons. Photo by James Jackson

Picture of the Month

October 2020

Sunday 27 September was a light wind day with N to NW winds. Malcolm reports that there were no great climbs to be had, just some local soaring in fine scenery around Crag Fell and Grike in Ennerdale. The view is up Ennerdale with Pillar on the right. In the foreground is Andy Mac flying a Advance Omega X Alps. In the distance is Phil Kew flying a Sup Air Savage. Photo by Malcom Grout

Picture of the Month
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