
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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May 2022

20th April was a SE windy day. A walk up to Blease Fell take off was followed by a walk down. Malc and Rob went to West fell and had a pleasant but breezy, gusty hour with the odd decent thermal and fast downwind drift. The picture is looking north across the easterly face of West Fell. Pilot is Rob Grout. Photo Malc.

Picture of the Month

April 2022

A great picture once again from Malc! Malc states "Thursday 24th March provided a SW forecast with reasonable breeze aloft, tending to become more W later. We headed up Lad Hows, continuing past the last grassy launch where there was minimal breeze. We launched into a good blow from just below Grasmoor summit. Much of the day was wave influenced with bars becoming quite smooth and well formed up wind. Paul got a lucky lifty line and made it to Robinson where he reported rather gusty conditions. I was flying the tandem and could just not make the glide through sink to the Moss so headed back." Photo Paul Clarke flying Ozone Swift. Photo Malc Grout.

Picture of the Month

March 2022

Another stunning photo from Malc on one of the better days in February.

Picture of the Month

February 2022

A stunning image taken by Malc of what seems to be one of the better flying days in January!

Picture of the Month

January 2022

Saturday 18th December started with a very low inversion, and forecast light SE at summit heights. Malc Grout decided to head up Skiddaw for a big fly down hoping some gaps would form in the low cloud layer. They were duly rewarded with just soarable conditions on top, fantastic views and a clear enough approach to Keswick. The pictures show Rob Grout soaring Little Man, and on the glide to Keswick. Also on a lighter note : Rob becomes momentarily enlightened! Pictures Malc Grout.

Picture of the Month

December 2021

November can be a challenging month to fly but every now and again - Malcolm Grout reports "Sunday 21 November provided much head scratching and viewing of conflicting forecasts, with high pressure and potential light winds for the Monday. Several options were considered by myself and Paul Clarke. Our re-brief first thing on Monday morning went with the Wasdale Screes option. Soarable winds were forecast from around 12:00 with a slight afternoon increase. We were joined by relatively new CP and CSC member Charl Erasmus. The screes worked well enough but we were not able to get the height or positioning to make a transition across to Sca Fell look a reasonable proposition. The picture shows Charl flying his Advance Alpha." Yewbarrow is directly behind the pilot with Great Gable on the right hand side of the skyline. Wast Water lies below. Photo by Malc Grout.

Picture of the Month

November 2021

Over in the NW of the Lakes is the Burttermere valley and Whiteside stands at the entrance to the valley. The view is looking to the west with Loweswater and Burnbank Fell below the pilot. Malcolm Grout reports "This was coachee, Jess Clarke flying at Whiteside yesterday. Jess had over an hour soaring, her longest flight to date. I flew onto Grasmoor and Whiteless Pike while keeping an eye on Jess. Paul Clarke and Dave Ashcroft flew to Keswick and Jenkin Hill respectively. Not a bad day for October." Photo by Malcolm Grout

Picture of the Month

October 2021

Whitestones is a site in the south west of our area on the western flank of the Howgill Fells. Chris Field reports "A positive forecast drew a small handful of pilots down to the Howgills on 20 September. This included a visiting pilot, Cass from Middle Wallop, who conveniently came armed with a camera to record a couple of hours extremely pleasant Autumnal boating about. Conditions were easy; the warm weather, a light wind and forgiving thermals made for very relaxed flying." Chris is on the yellow Epsilon and Duncan Brough is on the red Bolero. The view is to the SSW looking down the Lune valley towards Sedbergh

Picture of the Month

September 2021

Wednesday 4 August was the end of a settled spell of weather before a low pressure system took over for the weekend. Jill Sedgley and her daughter Charlotte (9) were walking on Latrigg to the north of Keswick when they saw a group of paragliders setting off. Jill says "Absolutely amazing to watch someone take off like that in such a stunning setting." Photo by Charlotte Sedgley

Picture of the Month

August 2021

After a year's break due to the Covid pandemic, the 2021 Lakes Charity Classic was held on the weekend of 17 and 18 July. Here is the coaching group at Clough Head, to the SE of Keswick. 4 members of the group managed to fly down the Helvellyn ridge to the LCC base at Grasmere. Photo by Karen Preston.

Picture of the Month
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