
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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June 2013

It's the 31 May and the A comp task at the Lakes Charity Classic is starting on Clough Head. A competitor launches on the task which will be down the ridge to Helvellyn, back to Threkeld and then onto Pooley Bridge. Blencathra in the background.

Picture of the Month

May 2013

Rod Welford snapped this majestic shot of the Buttermere Valley on 31 March. The pilot is Chris Scammell on the maiden flight of his BGD Tala wing. Rod says "What struck me was the bare beauty drawn from the stark barreness during that spell of cold dry Easterlies. Whilst taking in the Loweswater/Lorton vista the winter scene reminded me of an apt verse about the Lakeland Fells:" Who sees them only in their summer hour Sees but their beauty half and knows not Half their power" Robert Southey 1774-1843

Picture of the Month

April 2013

The last 2 weeks of March have seen relentless strong easterly winds and biting cold. On 28 Feb, Pete Southern reports that it was a stunning day. He was hoping to fly on Wetherlam and came across Dave Robinson and James on Great Carrs ready to take off. Here is Dave in action with Wetherlam in the background.

Picture of the Month

March 2013

Spring is on it's way even if it is still very cold! The end of the month has seen some superb sunny conditions; very frustrating if you're stuck at work. On 15 February Al Westle and a group of pilots were on Latrigg on a bitterly cold day with a strong wind. Here Jackie Knights and James Harrison prepare to fly. The view is to the East North East with Blease Fell in the centre left of the photo. Photo by Al Westle.

Picture of the Month

February 2013

Challenging conditions continue - to fly in January you had to be able to grab any opportunity. James Pierce took this photo of Dave Robinson on 10 January after taking off on Coniston Old Man. The range of hills are on the east side of the lake.

Picture of the Month

January 2013

Well we reckoned that 2011 wasn't a good year but 2012 hasn't been any better! Flying in December has been very limited; Al Westle and a group managed a flydown off Skiddaw on 2 December. Here Jan Little prepares to launch; photo by Al Westle

Picture of the Month

December 2012

It's been a wet month everywhere and Cumbria hasn't missed out. If you did fly, trying to find somewhere dry afterwards to pack your wing has been a challenge! At the end of the month, a clear cold spell settled in with some spectacular views if you could get out of work. On 29 November, Steve Kitchen and Ward Fallowfield prepared to fly their speed wings from Raise. The view looks NE to Ullswater. Picture by Vicky Blanco

Picture of the Month

November 2012

Wasdale has to be one of the most breathtaking valleys in the Lake District. Here Dave Robinson soars on Wasdale Screes on 6 October. The view is looking north east up the valley with Yewbarrow and Kirk fell at the top right. Photo by James Pierce

Picture of the Month

October 2012

Dave Ashcroft took this picture of Pete Askew on 12 September where they soared on Blease Fell and Jenkin Fell. The view is to the South East with the High Street ridge in the background.

Picture of the Month

September 2012

Sunday 26 August was Grasmere Sports and CSC was there. The weather wasn't brilliant but everyone managed to fly even though you got some good skids in the landing area! Here is Andy Paulson on finals in the classic Grasmere setting.

Picture of the Month
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