
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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April 2014

No pictures received this month so its back to 13 March 2013 and Lord's Seat in the NW Lakes. Ed Cleasby "enjoyed the first decent (and thermic) day of the year". Bassenthwaite is in the foreground with the Skiddaw Massif behind. The Helvellyn ridge is background right

Picture of the Month

March 2014

This winter has been the worst since your webmaster took up paragliding. For a lot of us, the last flight is a distant memory. No photos have been received this month so its back to 2010 when Pete Rycroft and others walked up Grisedale Pike for a flydown on a nice day. Here Tom Thompson takes off and sets off down the ridge to land on the far side of Braithwaite

Picture of the Month

February 2014

Brian Doub and other pilots got their first flight at Lowca (on the west coast) on Saturday 11 January. Brian says that although the wind got quite strong the air was very smooth. The photo is of Jonathan Butler flying a Gin Bolero 3. St Bees Head is in the background left and Whitehaven pier can be seen. Photo by Brian Doub

Picture of the Month

January 2014

No submissions for this months picture - December 2013 seemed to be nothing but wind and rain. This months picture was taken at the top of Clough Head in 2008. It was a superb day for the view but the flying was a cold trip downwards

Picture of the Month

December 2013

Winter days in The Lakes can be superb when the right days come along. A group of CSC pilots decamped to Ennerdale on the 23 November. Here James Pierce prepares for take off. Pillar is the snow covered peak on the right hand side. Photo by Dave Robinson

Picture of the Month

November 2013

Not all Cumbria flying sites involve long treks uphill. Here's a good picture of Rick Livingstone flying at St Bees on the Cumbrian Coast. The view is looking to the south and the tide's well out

Picture of the Month

October 2013

September has come and gone and the temperature is notching downwards! On the 27 September a group went over to Cautley Spout and flew this great site on the eastern side of the Howgills. Ed Cleasby is the pilot on his AirDesign Volt wing. The Great Dummacks/Calder ridge is behind Ed with another CSC site, Barkin Fell, in the distance behind the wing (where conditions a little later in the day were more 'entertaining'). At Cautley, Ed Cleasby reports that "the flying was an absolute delight". Photo by John Hamlett

Picture of the Month

September 2013

In July, Steve Kitchen, Gordie Oliver and Malcolm Grout spent the day giving tandem flights to a group of people with Multiple Sclerosis. 8 flights were managed with one using a special buggy to get airborne. Here you can see preparations for take off in place for a flight off Latrigg. Great effort!

Picture of the Month

August 2013

Summer's here! On 26 July at seven in the evening Dave Robinson took this photo of Dave Ashcroft in Wasdale with Kirk Fell in the background

Picture of the Month

July 2013

Action at the Lakes Charity Classic! Take off was challenging but the evening flydown at the LCC proved good entertainment value. The LCC was held in Buttermere - this is the south east end of the lake with the path up Haystacks visible.

Picture of the Month
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