
CSC Gallery

The best pictures we find are published as the picture of the month on the web site home page. Here you can view previous pictures. To see the picture at its best, click on the image for a larger picture. There may be the occasional gap where a picture was not published.

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November 2019

Saturday 26th October started wet, but drying up late morning and clearing to sunshine with rapidly increasing wind. A short opportunity presented itself. The picture shows Malc Grout flying a Gin Atlas, launching from Bewaldeth on the way to Keswick. Photo by Gordie Oliver.

Picture of the Month

October 2019

On Tuesday 10th September, Air Ventures had a lady with motor neuron disease to fly tandem. The day was forecast to be reasonably unstable with wind increasing from light westerly to strong SW throughout the day. We launched from Bewaldeth into a good soarable thermic breeze early afternoon. It was possible to thermal high above Binsey and explore out front, although ground speed was limited in the increasing wind. We had a lovely flight landing after 50min due to increasing wind strength and our passenger getting a little chilly - making a perfect touch down with very effective landing assistants, Gordie Oliver, Rob Grout and student pilot Jess. The picture was taken by Rob Grout. Pilot Malcolm Grout, the Flyability wheelie chair borrowed from The Flight Park and Air Ventures Magnum 2 tandem.

Picture of the Month

September 2019

Monday 26 August was the annual Grasmere Sports Show with CSC participating. It was a gloriously hot day slightly spoilt by a SE wind making take off more challenging (normal take off is generally westerly). Although most pilots had a top to bottom flight, Andy Berzins managed a 3 hour flight before finally attempting a spot landing. If you're wondering why you can't see the target in the photo, that's because he was a long way away! Paul Winterbottom from the Pennine club won the competition with a perfect bulls eye landing. Photo by Ed Bewley

Picture of the Month

August 2019

Malcolm Grout took the picture and says "Just another day in Cumbria."! Rob Grout is returning from a tour of Ennerdale and Buttermere. The view is looking up Ennerdale to Pillar in the centre right

Picture of the Month

July 2019

This is where you fly if you sign up for the Coaching at the Lakes Charity Classic! On Saturday 22 June, the coaching group went to Jenkin Hill on the southern flanks of Skiddaw above Keswick and had an excellent days flying. The view is from Jenkin Hill looking SW towards the NW Fells. Causey Pike is directly under the wing. Photo by Ed Cleasby.

Picture of the Month

June 2019

On top of the Lake District! Malcolm Grout took this photo on 12 May showing Rob Grout flying his Gin Explorer and fancy new pod harness with the stunning Scafell group behind. Scafell Pike is England's highest mountain which is directly under the right hand wing tip of the glider. Deceptively in the photo, Scafell on the right is 47ft lower. Tremendous scenery to fly in!

Picture of the Month

May 2019

This is Lowca on the west coast of Cumbria just north of Whitehaven. It is the site of an old coal mine. The 2nd April looked like the only possible flying day in the week with a potential for the coast to work. Lowca worked well with a stand down between the odd short, but sharp shower. Much of the day it was possible to fly North to Harrington and back. The picture shows Jocky flying a wheelie tandem on the Ozone Magnum. Photo by Malcolm Grout

Picture of the Month

April 2019

Spring is here! This is Clough Head at the north end of the Helvellyn range on 25 March. The pilot is Al Westle on his Skywalk. Macolm Grout took the photo from his tandem wing and reports "A nice day with decent conditions, although mainly blue. Some of the best tandem flying I have had for a while with a run down to Grassmere to end the day and thermals still working at 17:30hrs."

Picture of the Month

March 2019

Malcolm and Rob Grout had some nice flying at Carrock Fell on Friday 1st February as no-one else was there!! When they arrived the wind was well off to the North at the bottom of Carrock and quite strong. It was rather more on the hill at cloud height. They decided to head to Sandbeds (just north of Carrock) for the northerly but there was no wind there. They then walked up High Pike where there was a light NNE straight up the spine. After making a tricky launch from the summit in snow they peeled off towards Carrock. Lift was found and they soared along the ridge where wave was encountered. A hazy wave cloud was forming at times above Carrock. It wasn't possible to get terribly high but conditions provided glass smooth, easy soaring. That was a good job as it was cold enough to require hands off (to keep warm) flying much of the time. A top landing and walk to Carrock summit was included for good measure. A great day out! Pilot is Rob Grout and photo by Malcolm Grout.

Picture of the Month

January 2019

Malcolm Grout reports that the last few days of 2018 provided some decent soaring at Bewaldeth, NW of Skiddaw. Although conditions were rather light low down, soaring was good higher up. We flew till it was just about still light enough to land 29 minutes after sunset! Pilot Gordie Oliver flying Gin Tribe. Photo Malcolm Grout.

Picture of the Month
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