Put the CSC Forum on the Home Page of your phone.
Tim Oliver - 14/02/2023
Did you know that the CSC Forum is phone friendly. If you open on your phone it conforms to the screen shape and size. Full functionality is available. Why not add it to your Home Screen for easy access.
To add the Forum Icon to your home screen, open the Forum Index Page in your phone browser by clicking this link https://www.cumbriasoaringclub.co.uk/forum/ . Log on to the Forum using your ID and password.
If you have an iPhone, at the bottom of the screen click the box with an upward arrow, then scroll up and select 'Add to Home Screen'. That's it. There will be an icon for the Forum on your home page.
If you have an Android phone, navigate to the Forum as above, click the three dots top right of your phone screen. Select 'Add to home screen'. That's it.
You can subscribe to a specific Forum section and will then receive emails of any new posts. Open a section. e.g. 'All things Safety', scroll to bottom of the page. If there is an empty tick box next to 'Unsubscribe forum', put a tick in it and it will change to 'subscribe forum'.
Photos are sized to appear on this page at a width of 800 pixels or less. For pictures that are greater than a width of 800 pixels, the picture is shown at 800 pixels but you can view the full size image by clicking on the photo.