
Lakes Charity Classic - 2024

Location - Grasmere

Dates - 20 June to 23 June 2024

The June 2024 event was a massive success with 122 pilots taking to the skies of the Lake District. Pilots from dozens of clubs across the UK and California, Iran, South Africa and New Zealand took part to help raise £6000 that has been donated to 12 deserving Cumbrian groups. These groups serve disabled youth and adults, mental health clients, elderly folk, scouts, school DofE youngsters and the visually impaired.

2024 Lakes Charity Classic Prize Winners

See the Successful Applicants Tab for details of recipients of LCC funds.

Dozens of people contributed to the smooth and safe running of the event and the club is very grateful for their efforts.

Our sponsors were overwhelmingly generous and provided an amazing selection of prizes and an eye-watering haul of raffle prizes. A very special thanks goes to:

  • Steve Giles - Sick and the Wrong
  • Patrick Holmes - U.K. Airsports
  • Mike Cavanagh - Ozone
  • Gus McKendrick - Salewa
  • Paul Abbott - Grasmere Distillery
  • Claude Spoor - Neo
  • SupAir
  • Skywalk
  • Advance
  • Niviuk
  • Pete Bland Sports
  • The North Face
  • Percy & Reed
  • Stuart Holden - Stramongate Press
  • James Harper (competitor donation)

Congratulations to the podium pilots!

  A Comp B Comp X-Lakes Hardcore X-Lakes Academy Joe Medium Trophy
1st Gary Stenhouse Simon Rand Keith (Bud) Paterson Paul Rowntree Ben Bowler
2nd Paul Winterbottom Martin Horsman Jacob Aubrey Lucy Scott Dave Spooner
3rd John Oliver Graham Knox James Whitmore Oli Beswick  

The coaching group of 17 had a brilliant LCC with their coaches Mike Harper and Richard Sewell. There were too many special mentions awarded at the prize giving to mention! Well done to all who braved the punchy conditions.

Now a club event, the X-Lakes hike & fly participation was bigger than ever. A total of 1167 Wainwrights were tagged by 34 pilots over 2 days in the Hardcore race.

Club member Bud Paterson retained his X-Lakes Hardcore title bagging 75 Wainwrights which also positioned him to be crowned the 2024 Tri-nations Hike & Fly champion.

The Academy race was hotly contested and a total of 195 Wainwrights were tagged by 13 pilots in the 1-day race.

See this newspaper report for more photos and details (and the article in Skywings that is due out in the August 2024 edition).

Check out the club’s NEW Instagram account for more photos and stories


2025 dates are 19-22 June (Thursday arrival, comp day Friday-Saturday, free fly/depart Sunday).

See you next year!

Baz Roberts, CSC Chairman & LCC Director
Richard Bungy, Flight Director
John Westall, X-Lakes Director

For 2024, the club invited applications for funds up to a maximum grant of £500 from groups and organisations for whom that amount of money (or less) will make an immediate IMPACT within their community. The following organisations were successful. Click on the orgnisation title for a link to their web site.

Organisation and Location Purpose/ Main Activities/ "Client Group" How funds wil be used Award
Outdoor Mobility

6 sites across the Lakes
Enables countryside disabled access through off road scooter hire Purchase of 10 off road scooter rain covers £279.50
Thirlmere Recreation Hall

Community hall To replace rotten main gates to secure the perimeter and car park £500.00
1st Hensingham Scouts

Supports 100 boys & girls - 14 years Replace camping cookware in 5 patrol cook boxes & create a 6th box £500.00
Duke of Edinburgh scheme, Queen Elizabeth School

Kirkby Lonsdale
180 participants per year across bronze, silver & gold awards To replace ageing expedition basecamp tent £500
Growing Well

Egremont, Tebay, Kendal
Horticultural enterprise mental health intervention charity for adults 16+ PPE (boots, gloves, t-shirt) for 12 clients £480.00
Brendrigg Trust

Old Hutton
Specialises in delivering high quality activity courses for disabled and disadvantaged people Purchase of 2 specialist (paragliding) harnesses for climbing & zipwire £750.00
Carers Support

Kendal, South Lakes
Support to unpaid carers of all ages Young carers activity holiday programme £500.00
Hearts of Gold

Supports people struggling financially & emotionally Discretionary funds £500.00
Upper Eden Daycare & Social Club

Soulby Village Hall
Elderly daycare & social setting Purchase of an interactive games table £500.00
Lifesteps / Friends Club

Lads & Girls Club, Kendal
18+ learning differences & disabilities Music Trust, Penrith music therapy outing 29 July for 15 members £450.00
Vision of Adventure

Adventure activities for visually impaired adults Hike & dip weekend for 6 visually impaired clients with 6 guides £500.00
Blackwell Sailing

Disabled sailing charity Towards volunteer training £500.00
    TOTAL £5,959.50

pdf    You can download a copy of this list by clicking the Acrobat icon.

Lakes Charity Classic 2024

As the event drew near, the disastrous UK weather we have been having was forecast to continue; this appeared to dissuade some pilots from attending the event. Clearly, no-one had told them about the Grasmere microclimate! As we got nearer, the forecasts continued to improve; it was just the wind strength that was going to be a problem. Setup day on Thursday saw many pilots free flying from Alcock Tarn above the Grasmere base.

It was very clear on the Friday morning that flying was not going to be possible and tasking even less so. A walking task was set for both the A and B comps to allow pilots to learn the basics of programming and following tasks in their instruments. This proved valuable for many and highlighted the shortcomings of flight instruments and software at dealing with slow speed walking tasks.

Saturday saw winds dropping and both the A and B comps headed up to Alcock Tarn to brief with the option of pilots moving to Heron Pike to launch. Jocky and Ben set the A comp task to start above Grasmere then up to Helvellyn before heading off to goal at Appleby, 41.7km in total.

Richard set a similar start to the B comp out over Grasmere so the village had a great view of all the pilots starting in the same area above the showground. The task then ran up the ridge to the same Helvellyn turnpoint before doubling back to Seat Sandal. It then ran back up the ridge to almost Clough Head before heading back to Goal at the Grasmere Sports Field, 29.7km.

About a dozen pilots in each comp made it to their respective goals, but despite the practice in the walking task, a few still suffered problems with their flight instruments or failed to follow the task correctly so missed out on scoring. Clearly, more walking tasks are needed on non-flyable days!

The pilots that landed out on task or at Appleby were soon retrieved and everyone was back at base in good time for the party and prize giving after watching many of the X-Lakes pilots fly or run back to the showground.

A Competition Results

LCC A Comp 2024

2022-06-17 to 2022-06-19, no FAI sanctioning

Task T2 (Open) Sat 22-Jun-24

TO0.0 kmB57LT010 - Heron Pike
1Exit0.400 kmSS1.0 kmB67BS001 - Grasmere LZ
2Entry1.000 km8.3 kmB43LW006 - LW006
3Entry3.000 kmES39.7 kmB20LW029 - LW029
GOALEntry1.000 km41.7 kmB20LW029 - LW029
RankIDNameNationGliderSponsorStartFinishTimeSpeedDistanceSpd PDst PScore
12304Gary STENHOUSEGBROmega ULS /Impress 4Myself11:45:0013:14:4601:29:4625.7841.69449.6550.41000
24694Paul WINTERBOTTOMGBRCodex/Strike11:45:0013:15:5401:30:5425.4541.69421.7550.4972
30042John OLIVERGBRPhoton/Arrow11:45:0013:27:5801:42:5822.4741.69306.3550.4857
40888John MURPHYGBRArtik Race/Delight 211:45:0013:28:3001:43:3022.3641.69302.5550.4853
56423Peter LOGANGBROmega X-Alps 3/Arrowcanp.logans.me.uk11:45:0013:47:2902:02:2918.8941.69187.2550.4738
60247Timothy OLIVERGBRSwift 6/Forza11:45:0013:49:4702:04:4718.5441.69175.1550.4726
70005Chris LITTLEGBRArtik Race/Arrow 11:45:0013:50:3202:05:3218.4341.69171.2550.4722
81976Mark SIMPSONGBRAlpina 4/Delight Sportnone11:45:0013:53:4202:08:4217.9841.69155.0550.4705
90008Ed CLEASBYGBRPhoton/Connect Race Lite11:45:0013:57:1402:12:1417.5041.69137.4550.4688
102693Ed WEAREGBRLynx 2/Delight 311:45:0014:13:0202:28:0215.6341.6964.1550.4615
110003Adam MILWARDGBRRook 3/Lightness 211:45:0015:11:0903:26:0911.2241.690.0550.4550
120012Danny MURPHYGBRFusion Light/?11:45:00 37.910.0525.4525
130566Ross MASONGBRBonanza 2/GTO Light11:45:00 37.660.0523.2523
140786Andrew AUSTINGBROmega ULS /Arrow11:45:00 32.600.0465.2465
153890Brian WALLERGBRDelta 4/Strike 2Ozone11:45:00 31.640.0456.2456
161773Jeremy FISKGBRAtlas X-Alps/Connect Reverse 2None11:45:00 27.480.0408.3408
170721Iain MACKENZIEGBRCure 2/ForzaNone11:45:00 26.100.0393.0393
173116Dennis BURNSIDEGBRBonanza 3/SockSlated ink11:45:00 26.060.0392.5393
190001Simon BAILLIEGBRExplorer 2/GTO 2N/A11:45:00 25.250.0381.2381
200113Brian WATSONGBRTaska/Delight 2No11:45:00 19.870.0304.1304
215811Luke BALDRYGBRArtik 6/Arrow11:45:00 19.130.0297.4297
220729Pete SOUTHERNGBRCodex/GTO Light 211:45:00 17.620.0280.0280
233257Jonathan GREENWOODGBRSwift 5/Lightness 211:45:00 14.660.0238.7239
240002Alan BIRTLESGBRDelta 4/Genie X-Lite11:45:00 13.640.0225.2225
256586Andrew METH-COHNGBRScala 2 Light/GTO Light 211:45:00 13.170.0218.5219
260666Seth BARBERGBRXI/GTO Light11:45:00 11.960.0199.7200
270777David MCLEANGBRR-Light 3/Impress 311:45:00 8.580.0146.4146
280007David MCLEODGBRArak/DelightNone11:45:00 5.190.0109.4109
291964Mark LEACHGBRExplorer 2/Genie Lite 211:45:00 4.810.0105.0105
300026Michael RAWSTERNEGBRIota/Delight 311:45:00 4.520.0100.9101
310011Yannick LE GALLFRABase 2/Lightness11:45:00
322765Nik VALIRISGBRRook 3/Genie LiteNone11:45:00
330021Mike WILLIAMSGBRSwift 6/Sock
330123William SCOTTGBRAlpina 2/Impress
335870David WARRENGBRExplorer 2/Suspender

Task Statistics


Scoring Parameters


Task Validity


Maximum Points

Total Pilots:35 Nominal Distance:30.0 km Launch Validity:1.000 Max Distance Points:550.4
Pilots Landed Out:24 Minimum Distance:2.0 km Distance Validity:1.000 Max Time Points:449.6
Pilots at ES:11 Nominal Goal:20 % Time Validity:1.000 Max Departure Points:0.0
Pilots in Goal:11 Nominal Time:01:00 Task Validity:1.000 Max Arrival Points:0.0
  Max Task Points:1000.0

B Competition Results

LCC B Comp 2024

2022-06-17 to 2022-06-19, no FAI sanctioning

Task T2 (Open) Sat 22-Jun-24

TO0.0 kmB57LT010 - Heron Pike
1Exit0.600 kmSS0.9 kmB67BS001 - Grasmere LZ
2Entry1.000 km7.7 kmB43LW006 - LW006
3Entry1.000 km9.8 kmB58LT009 - Seat Sandal
4Entry3.000 km17.4 kmB59LT008 - Clough Head
5Entry2.000 kmES28.1 kmB67BS001 - Grasmere LZ
GOALEntry0.400 km29.7 kmB67BS001 - Grasmere LZ
RankIDNameNationGliderSponsorStartFinishTimeSpeedDistanceSpd PDst PScore
14567Simon RANDGBRMentor/?12:00:0013:30:0501:30:0518.0029.68553.2446.81000
20037Martin HORSMANGBRIllusion/Lightness 312:00:0013:32:4301:32:4317.4829.68493.1446.8940
30100Graham KNOXGBRMentor 4/Lightness 212:00:0013:35:3101:35:3116.9729.68455.7446.8903
41971Paul COTTONGBRExplorer 2/ArrowN/A12:00:0013:37:1901:37:1916.6629.68435.3446.8882
56219Andrew GILBERTGBRFreedom 2/Delight 4 Sport12:00:0013:37:2301:37:2316.6529.68434.5446.8881
60002Gareth JARVISGBRFreedom 2/Lightness 312:00:0013:40:0901:40:0916.1929.68406.2446.8853
70001Alan DUNNGBRK-Light/BV112:00:0013:45:5301:45:5315.3129.68354.7446.8802
80661Damian THORNTONGBRIkuma 3P/Arrow PUKAF12:00:0013:53:2201:53:2214.3029.68296.2446.8743
95340Alastair TYTLERGBRMentor 4/Strike 212:00:0014:02:5902:02:5913.1829.68229.5446.8676
104228Rob URSELMANNGBRChilli 5/Delight 3 12:00:0014:09:1702:09:1712.5429.68189.4446.8636
110029Adrian HARDINGGBRHook 5/Delight 3none12:00:0014:11:1502:11:1512.3529.68177.4446.8624
121920Graham HAMBLETONGBRGeo 612:00:0014:16:1502:16:1511.9029.68147.5446.8594
131710Alan OLIVERGBRGeo 6/Solos12:00:00 22.040.0389.3389
140159Mark WALTONGBRGeo 6/Wani 312:00:00 20.510.0371.6372
158008Alan EASDALEGBRBuzz Z6/Progress 3Jessica12:00:00 20.150.0366.0366
160055Ben SANDWELLGBRArak/Gingo 412:00:00 16.560.0295.5296
178888George ALLENGBRRook 3/Lightness 3Avon HGPGC12:00:00 9.900.0202.1202
182405Jessica TANGGBRBuzz Z5/Verso n/a12:00:00 7.740.0177.1177
195050Ian HUTCHINSONGBREpsilon DLS/Delight 3North Yorks12:00:00 3.750.0115.9116
200003Ralf KLINNERTGBRSoar/Delight 3None00:00:00
200025John FARBRIDGEGBRMaestro 2 Light/ArrowJohn Lewis Builders
200555Jonny SIMSGBRTequila 4 /Verso Extreme Sensations 00:00:00
200777Seyed Ali GHORASHINEJADGBRIota DLS/ArrowNone
201004Graham LEEGBRIkuma 3/Skypper
201407David CROWTHERGBREpsilon 8/Skypper
201999Theano PITRAKOUGBRAtlas 2/Genie Lite 2NA12:00:00
207878Neil CRAIGGBRMentor 7/Soul
NYP0010Richard MOFFATGBRArak/StrikeNone 
NYP0059Phil HEWITSONGBRBuzz Z6/Progress- 
NYP0321Paddy RUSSELLGBRChilli 4/? 
NYP1769Christopher BEGLEYGBRVivo/Sock 

Task Statistics


Scoring Parameters


Task Validity


Maximum Points

Total Pilots:27 Nominal Distance:20.0 km Launch Validity:1.000 Max Distance Points:446.8
Pilots Landed Out:15 Minimum Distance:2.0 km Distance Validity:1.000 Max Time Points:553.2
Pilots at ES:12 Nominal Goal:20 % Time Validity:1.000 Max Departure Points:0.0
Pilots in Goal:12 Nominal Time:01:00 Task Validity:1.000 Max Arrival Points:0.0
  Max Task Points:1000.0