

Humphrey Head

Status : OK
IMPORTANT - Restrictions on use This site closes for nesting peregrines around April / July period. Land only on the beach.
Last Updated : 28/07/2024 at 12:09 by John Westall
Wind : WSW    
Nil Wind : No    
Grid Ref : SD392735 Height (AMSL) : 180' / 55m
Site Code : 17.066 Top to Bottom : 180' / 55m


S Lakes - S of Grange-over-Sands


A small coastal site that is fun to fly being for half its length over the beach and the rest over fields. Not officially negotiated but there are no problems. Landing should be made on the edge of the beach (semi grass) in front of take off. An interesting feature is the "blow hole", a natural limestone feature, that gives you a boost as you fly over it.

Site Officer

John Westall : 07884 037144

Postcode for Sat Nav Systems (read the Health Warning!)

LA11 7LX - This is the closest mail delivery point to the flying site and is positioned at:

Wyke Farm. The postcode centre is about 1km north of the parking site. When the road bends sharply to the south, don't follow the GPS; instead turn right for the beach.

Getting There

From Flookburgh take a long straight minor road that leads towards the Ponderosa holiday park. After 800m turn left and follow this road towards the foot of the cliff. Park on edge of the beach.

Getting to takeoff

Paragliders need only walk up the steep path left of the cliffs. Hang glider pilots can park 400m sooner, by a grid near the Outdoor Centre and walk along crest of hill.

Permission to use site

None officially negotiated.

Additional Safety Notes

Semi cliff take off so care is required. Do not go too far back due to the presence of trees and rotor. On the beach, be aware that the tide can come in very quickly - on spring tides, it comes in faster than you can run. Also quicksands are common on the sands, especially the wet areas.


Take-off is in front of the fence on the slope over the main cliff. The widest part is near the trig point. Care required. Walk in via the steep path up the left side of the cliff.

Hang Gliding

Small but pleasant with good top landing area.

XC potential

Zero - though it is not unknown for thermals to rise off the hot sands in front of the cliff.


A vidoe can be found at this web site. The vide starts with an all round 360 sweep followed by a flight north along the cliffs finishing off at the parking area,


Click on the photo for a full size image.

Looking at the south end of the Humphrey Head ridge with take off above the brown coloured patch on the cliff
Looking at the north end of the ridge. The Land Rover is parked just be the entrance to the beach area. The road comes in from the left.
A view from the south end of the point. Take care with the tides, they can come in a long way on spring tides.
The take off area at the top of the cliffs. Commitment is needed!
Loking down on the take off area. The trig point is just left of centre in the lower area of the photo. The take off area is the 'nose' on the cliffs to the left of the trig point. There is a gate giving access to the cliff edge by the trig point
A view from the south looking north along the cliffs. The take off area is to the right, the car parking area is shown
Looking down on the beach landing area. Beware of landing in the stream beds, they can be very muddy.


Local Information - Pubs/Food etc

Nearest pubs to the site - for post flying debriefing only! You may find details of other facilities here

No pub details are available for this site. Send your recommendations to the webmaster.


This page shows records for this site. Some of the older records are not very detailed. More recent records may have an igc file available You can right click and download this to your PC. You can then use IGC Flight replay to view the flight.


No paragliding records available for this site

Hang Gliding

No hang gliding records available for this site

Data Resources

Follow the links to see the site in Google Earth and Google Street view. To access the former, you will need to have Google Earth installed on your PC. You can also upload your flights to GE - use GPS Dump (Links Page) to convert a variety of GPS file formats to a GE kml file.

Link Resource Type Notes
Google Earth Google Earth - Car Park
Street View Google Street View - Parking The southern parking area at Humphrey Head. Make sure you check the tides - on a high spring tide, the water can come up a long way!

Humphrey Head Map


Humphrey Head Map